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Interminable Present at ARTICULATE
A retrospective of some of the video drawing works I have made over the last few years on artist residencies, beginning with the phenomena of Iceland’s everyday activities (2015) to cubist/fracturing of space/time in Czech Republic (2018) to the blind explorations of Piranesi staircases over Parramatta Road, Leichhardt (2019).
This exhibition was a scanning of different ways of perceiving and infiltrating real space through video space. Using a 360 degree equirectangular canvas dissolves the singular perspective, cuts up and time-slices the space and draws light lines continuously through it, transecting our assumptions of continuity. All is fragmenting, all is simultaneous. And a lived in-process at Articulate Project Space. 497 Parramatta Rd, Leichhardt, 20 Aug -9 Sept 2019