Detone/Retune - Ensemble Offspring video

After a few weeks of compositing process, reassembling abstract photographic elements from unidentified places to Juan Felipe Waller's persuasive composition Detone/Retune in different combinations, different quantities, with varying velocity and density the string of sonic episodes have become a space in themselves without need for interrelation or context. A certain amount, moving at what speed, at what point in time and in what proportional relationship to its neighbouring elements, recurs, familiar, a language. Complimentarily, in image, each element is not actual but an image simulating an element in combination with sounds, simulated movements built in a composition like a waiting residual sea, waves rising debris to the surface, but halting before surface emergence. Juan Felipe Waller's composition set was a video-generative task for me not unlike a 2D board game performed by Sydney's Ensemble Offspring. It was evidence of sound art defying commodifiable emergent value leaving the percussive musicians an opportunity for a rearrangement of the pure object of sounds. Non-hierarchical, non-narrative music: an exercise in resistance..
Launch soon: